Unsolicited Testimonials
"I heard that this is the best course - honestly. As I work in a small hospital in a rural area, I am not exposed to any academic teaching. This course was recommended by my friend from the city, and I feel it is the best thing I have done in preparation for the Part 11 exam."
"A very good course, not just for the exam, but overall. Great food !"
"Good Course which covered all relevant areas."
"An excellent course which I will recommend to others."
"I heard that this is a really good course and all my friends who attended the last course passed the exam. Keep the good work up !"
"My friend recommended this course - and I am glad I came - it was excellent."
"I heard about this course from colleagues - and I am glad to have attended - very good indeed !"
"People say this is the best course, and many successful candidates recommended you. You were all so passionate about our approach, the structure and our success. One colleague who attended the last course said to me " You are my friend, so my advice is that you MUST go to the C and J Course. Well done !"
"A very informative course. Thanks a million."
"Helpful to learn a clear structure"
"Structure very impressive. Would recommend course to colleagues"
"One of the best courses I have attended"
"This is a very thorough and comprehensive course. My confidence levels have increased."
Testimonials from previous courses...
"Excellent - thank you very much"
"I would not have passed without the 'structure' you teach throughout your course"
"The best part was the teaching of the verbatim things which you taught us to make the presentation sleek - your lecturers were very supportive throughout"
"I found the course to be most helpful and useful"
"Excellent - this was a very good course"
"A very educative course - thank you"
"An Excellent Course, especially regarding the Long Case Presentation"
"It was very useful to have been given some 'stock answers' which helped us to answer without having to think too much"
"A good course and very helpful"
"A well focussed, exam oriented course - thank you to the organisers"
"Excellent - the structure and format you teach helped me to get my ideas in proper order and prevents wasted time on irrelevant topics"
"The format, structure and teaching for the PmPs was excellent and most informative - and I found this to be a great help"
"I cannot speak too highly of your course - I will recommend it to everyone in the future"
"I have been on other courses and failed the exam - I will pass this time!"
"What a superb course - everything you taught was important and the structure will help greatly. Thank you."
"An excellent course in every respect."
"The structure you teach is impressive, and will help me to put my knowledge in the proper order for the examination."
"An excellent course - thank you so much."
"An excellent course - especially the sharing of the PmPs."
"Very good, and my friend and I loved the practical advice for dealing with the Long Case."
"What a superb course - I think it will help me to pass the exam this time."
"Excellent, Excellent, Excellent - thank you very much. I loved the course and the structure and format you teach - thank you."
"Thank you - the Long Case teaching and the PmPs were excellent - I have learned a great deal about how to pass the exam."
"I have learned a lot about how to treat the exam, and to deal with the problems I may face."
"A very good course - thank you."
"You dealt with everything well, and the structure will help greatly."
"Thank you - I now feel that I know exactly how to pass the exam; what to remember, and what I can leave out."