The Course
- Course Programme |
Day 1
Candidates are in groups of no more than ten people (a very low ratio for didactic teaching). They are told in detail what to expect from the CASC examination and trained both how to answer CASC Stations and how to deal with unforeseen problems.
08.30 |
Coffee |
09.00 |
Introduction |
09.10 |
CASC techniques 1 |
10.15 |
Coffee |
10.30 |
CASC techniques 2 |
11.30 |
Coffee |
11.45 |
CASC techniques 3 |
13.00 |
Lunch |
In the afternoon session, candidates
remain in small groups. There are two afternoon CASC practise
sessions. The emphasis is on pefecting the techniques taught
in the morning, rather than getting through a high volume
of CSC stations.
14.00 |
CASC Practice 1 |
15.15 |
Coffee |
15.30 |
CASC Practice 2 |
17.00 |
Day 1 ends |
Day 2
CASC Practice
The candidates remain in small groups. Although the emphasis remains on technique, a large number of questions are covered as the candidates become more competent.
08.30 |
Coffee |
09.00 |
Technique Overview |
09.15 |
CASC Practice |
10.30 |
Coffee |
10.45 |
CASC Practice |
12.15 |
Lunch |
13.15 |
CASC Practice |
14.45 |
Coffee |
15.00 |
CASC Practice |
16.00 |
Course ends |